Machine tools are basically composed of highest quality cast steel. Material is very important for casting. If materials of high purity are not used, hardness and durability of cast steel are decreased. The machine tool unit is very expensive as tens of millions of Yen. So the unit makes no business sense if it is not used for a long time. As a matter of course, the quality of cast steel is high so as not to cause any problem in usage for tens of years. My cast steel wood stove is made of very hard and thick cast steel. It can be used even in generation of grandchildren or even more in the year of 100 years ahead.
Cast steel wood stoves require a long time to get its inside heat up unlike other steel wood stoves or kerosene stoves. However, once the inside is heated up, heat release extent lasts long. Since it is a radiant type stove, it heats up itself first and then warms surrounding air. Thermal rays from extreme infrared radiation gradually warm up our body core.
Enjoying a beautifully wavering flame is certainly a real thrill. The flame wavering as if it were a living thing is good enough to ease our hearts. We may be able to get more comfortable atmosphere watching the flame if the electric light is put off. This can't be understood without experience.
Those who are just interested in cast steel wood stoves are likely to choose paying attention to design and price. There is no denying that design and budget are fundamental factors in choosing wood stoves. However, I hope that they should be chosen by performance because they are to be used every day for many years.
Performance can be confirmed if we burn a fire in the stove. Real good points and bad points may be found through usage experience. I hope customers choose a good balanced stove through comparison of various factors such as performance, design, price, etc. It should be my pleasure if customers choose my cast iron wood stove and they feel happy with it for a long time.
It is commonly understood that a ast steel wood stove is used by those who live in cold districts, a villa, a lodge, a cottage, etc. That is not all. We can enjoy it in ordinary homes. We can keep it in a living room of approximately 10 Jo (16.2 square meters) even with wooden flooring. I hope people will enjoy comfortable warmth and wavering flame in family.
Everyone doesn't want occurrence of disasters. However, once disaster has occurred, we have to take necessary measures for survival making the utmost of surrounding conditions. My cast steel wood stoves were greatly helpful at the most disastrous East Japan Great Earthquake, too. Even though essential utilities are not available then, we can warm ourselves, boil water and cook with the stove if we have woods even from debris.
I'm making large capacity stoves for disaster recovery activities. The capacity is good enough to warm people gathering in a gymnasium size building. We may be able to see people's circle around the stove. Of course cooking is available.
As I get older, I've come to realize that I have to make some contribution to the society. Since volunteer activities are not physically available with me, I want to send the stove instead. I'm working hard wanting that there shouldn't' be opportunity to use it. I want to do what I can do now just in case.
He started manufacturing of cast steel wood stoves in addition to his original job as a worker involving automobile electrical wiring and precision metal processing. He outputs cast steel wood stoves full of originality made one by one using the most of his techniques of casting, welding and cutting as well as shaping image coming into his head. A lot of products have already been sold throughout Japan.